Thursday, April 30, 2009

Steven Stewart's First Blog - The day has finally come...

After “somehow” missing the message the last time I was supposed to write a blog and getting tired of other people bugging me about it, here it is! The excuse of it not being in my job description just doesn’t cut it. Plus, I figured that if I wrote one of these every once in a while, it would give them a little more time between their blogs so they can think of something to write.

I will give you all a brief background about myself. I graduated from UW-LaCrosse in the summer of 2007 after I finished my Operations Internship with the Mallards, with a degree in Recreation Management. The following summer I was offered a Seasonal Position to try and help out the rest of the office get the park ready for the season, as well as help with managing the main concession stand. I am back again this summer to try and make it even better and easier for everyone. In the off-season, I have had the pleasure of helping out Chef Boyer by cooking at Rookies.

I am just like everyone else and like to relax with some friends and enjoy some refreshing drinks. Which brings me to my topic of my blog……………Local Taverns. I would like to know where people like to enjoy these beverages and why? Some people like going downtown Madison to the college bars because that is where “everyone” goes and you will see a lot more people. Others like to go to the National Chain Bars because they are a little better known for a wider range of age groups. And then there are the local bars that you see all over, but never really know what is going to be inside. Truthfully I kind of like the local “hot spots” because you tend to get better service than the other bars, plus it won’t cost you an arm and a leg for the night. But, what is the best part about the local taverns? It has to be the BAR BURGERS. You get that urge where you want to get a nice thick burger at a decent price, and the only thing that comes to mind is a Bar Burger. Usually the tavern is owned by brothers, a husband and wife, or it has been in a family for generations. That creates a nice family friendly atmosphere -which can be hard to find these days. If you are at a local tavern, you are more than likely still able to watch a particular sports game on the television. If it is busy at the tavern you are at, then you also have a better chance of getting the game you want to see on the television than if you were at a “college bar.” It is always interesting to think “Who came up with that or why is it called what it is called?”

Because each place is so unique, that is what makes them so different. Whether it is the jokes and stories from the bartender or locals, specialty drinks, no running water in the bathrooms, or even the “Jumbo Burgers,” each place has its own followers. Yes, I can say that I have been to a bar with no water in the bathrooms and all I have to suggest is make sure you go during the summer and also during the day.(Don’t worry, it did have outhouses for customers to use.) So if any of you want to go there, let me know and we will go. Just make sure we don’t go on the last Wednesday of the month because it is their infamous “Stinky Cheese Night.” I have never been there for it, but I heard that it is standing room only and something that will just amaze you.

So I want to know……..what are some of the good local taverns in the City of Madison? If I can find a free night here or there this summer or am on my way home from the park, where is a good place to stop for a beverage? Well, I hear Vern calling my name (he must have thought of something for me to do around the park) so I better get going and I look forward to hearing your suggestions!

P.S. For those who were wondering, Tony is my cousin.

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